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buffer area造句

"buffer area"是什么意思  
  • Gets or sets the height of the buffer area
  • Gets or sets the width of the buffer area
  • Gets or sets the row position of the cursor within the buffer area
  • Gets or sets the column position of the cursor within the buffer area
  • Sets the height and width of the screen buffer area to the specified values
  • Slightly farther , both sides will all be isolated in the buffering area with the wire netting
  • In an optimal situation , for three rooms ( reagent preparation , sample preparation , amplification ) of the pcr lab one buffer area could be set up
    在理想情况下, pcr实验室试剂准备、标本制备、扩增三个区域可设置缓冲间。
  • The pressure in the buffer area should be positive to assure the indoor air could not flow to outside and the outside air could not flow to the inside
  • Furthermore , the study has addressed this influence through the provision of a sufficient buffer area between the dbl and the hsksga
  • Abstract : the application of multipprocess in testing systems is introduced and the implementation of ring buffer area for sharing between each process by using dll is described
  • It's difficult to see buffer area in a sentence. 用buffer area造句挺难的
  • If the screen buffer is larger than the console window , the console automatically displays scroll bars so the console window can be repositioned over the screen buffer area
  • While walking along fuk hang tsuen road at about 4 pm , a 14 - year - old boy found a baby body floating on the surface of the buffer area below the reservoir main dam and he made a report to police
  • If it is possible , the rooms for gc , icp , icp - ms should have a buffer area for gas cylinder cabinet and noisy compressor storage ; thereby the buffer room will keep the inner area of the room clean
    建议有条件的情况下,气相色谱、等离子体发射光谱、等离子体质谱也应建立缓冲间,缓冲间用来放置安全气瓶柜和有噪声的压缩机以及保持清洁) 。
  • The sha lo tung stream courses together with a 30 m buffer area on both sides of the streams were designated as sites of special scientific interest under the draft sha lo tung development permission area plan published in early 1997
  • According to the systematical research on those , at present , commonly adapted attacking and intrusion means , it analyzes and studies all those active approaches , like electronic frauds , scanning loopholes , overflowing buffer area , dos and ddos , etc
    对目前较为流行的攻击方式与入侵方法进行了系统的研究,分析研究了电子欺骗、漏洞扫描、缓冲区溢出、 dos及ddos等主动攻击方法。
  • Have crossed the circle , enter non - military buffering area , we find that has piled the square , round , sharp mud ball on both sides of the highway , the person knowing the business explains , for blocking the highway communication after this is broken into by a war
  • Developments within " wetland conservation areas " and " wetland buffer areas " as defined in the town planning board guidelines for application for developments within deep bay area under section 16 of the town planning ordinance ; andor
  • Have crossed the circle , enter non - military buffering area , we find that has piled the square , round , sharp mud ball on both sides of the highway , the person knowing the business explains , for blocking the highway communication after this is broken into by a war
  • There are visitors of an american - european regiment to cross a line for the previous period , have been detained by the south for 4 days . in addition , in order to regard a line of as the circle , southern each side draws back in the non - military buffering area of setting - up of two kilometers on the north , the ones that negotiated the old site and located in this area in ban mendian in the fifties are towards square one side
    前一段时间有一个欧美团的游客因越过桩线,被南方扣留了4天。此外,以这根水泥桩线为界,北南双方各后退两公里建立非军事缓冲区, 50年代板门店谈判旧址就坐落在这个区域的朝方一侧。
  • The characteristic and key technologies of the system are as follows : ( 1 ) in realizing the live broadcast of audio and video , the problem of immense multimedia data and low networks bandwidth utilization ratio is solved by using mpeg - 4 as format of audio and video data . audio and video data are collected by video card cv500 which developed by beijing sum tone company ; meanwhile , the contradictory between the delay of networks transmitting and the quality of the image is well solved by setting a " bi - buffer area "
    系统实现中解决的关键问题和特色主要有以下几个方面: ( 1 )在视音频直播功能的实现中,通过使用北京算通公司的cv500视频采集卡和cv500sdk进行视音频数据采集,并采用当今最新的图像和语音编码压缩标准mpeg - 4作为视音频数据的采集格式,既保证了图像的质量,又大大缩减了视音频所占的带宽,从而解决了多媒体数据量大、网络带宽利用率低的问题;同时,通过设置环形缓冲区的办法来调和网络传输延时与图像质量之间的矛盾,取得了较好的效果。
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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